서울에 살면서 서울에서 airbnb로 하루를 살아보기는 처음이었습니다. 삼청동이란 오래된 동네에서 하루를 살며 작가가 만든 방에서 글을 쓰고 싶었습니다. 빅토리아 울프의 ‘자기만의 방’을 담은 액자 너머의 방은 한 사람이 글을 쓰기에 충분했습니다. 방문 너머 작은 게스트 전용 거실에는 좋은 음악을 들을 수 있는 의자, 둘러보면 좋은 책들이 있습니다. 삼청동으로 나서기 위해 계단을 내려간다면 어제는 눈여겨보지 않았던 작은 화원을 마주칩니다. 식물들이 하나 같이 잘 자라는 걸 보니 호스트가 airbnb를 준비하기 위해 여간 마음을 쓴 게 아니겠구나 싶습니다. 하루를 통해 airbnb를 다시 생각하게 되었으니 서울을 다시 사는 기분입니다. 아이팟이 단종되었을 땐 아쉬웠지만 한편으로 좋았습니다. 유명한 TV 프로그램에 단골 가게가 소개되는 걸 원하지 않습니다. 그래도 더 많은 사람이 이 방에서 하루를 살아보며 airbnb가 주는 가치를 일상에서 누리면 좋겠습니다.
It was my first time having my days at airbnb while living in Seoul. I am currently writing a piece (which will be published at the end of the year), so I wanted to spend a day writing in the town with a long history and tradition. In that sense, the room placed beyond the frame of Victoria Wolf’s “House of Your Own” was just a perfect match for me. Beyond the visit, there are chairs to listen to good music, books to look around in the small guest living room. There is a living room filled with good music, a good selection of books and plus the cosy chair to relax me in just next to the room. Also a small flower garden down the stairs facing the town is surely a spot where you cannot miss. The plants are growing well together, so I guess the host has spent a lot of effort and time to make this place and hosting people. My day at here made me to think airbnb in different views, and further gave me a new angle to view this whole city. I almost feel sorry when the iPod is no longer on the production. But as coins have two sides, I also feel good. It makes iPod on my own much more special. It is like that I want to keep the cafe around the corner at my home with a good coffee and a barista with good sense of humor to myself only. This room and the house was exactly like this. It is the place where I want to keep it to my list only and get away whenever I need to relax my mind out. If you stay here, you will certainly add on “something” valuable in your own definition in your life.