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He’s difficult but good.
성격은 좀 까다롭지만 실력 하나 만큼은 뭐 말할 필요 없겠네


“This is, then, despite appearances, a most personal project. Which may explain why it works so damn well. While the film is long, it rips along at extreme velocity — and not just when it’s on the racetrack — thanks to a panoply of colourful, entertaining characters. The two at the centre of the action are a study in contrasts. Bale’s Miles (a name that might be considered on-the-nose were this tale not based on real life) is the maverick, a mouthy grease-monkey who throws wrenches, wears oil-stained white T-shirts, permanently grips a sloshing mug of tea and occasionally yells, “Pillock!” (“He’s difficult but good,” remarks an onlooker, helpfully, after one of his outbursts.) Damon’s Shelby is the charmer, a slick playboy in black threads and a cowboy hat who throws zero wrenches, but cares every bit as much about the results of the big race. The latter is less well-defined — Shelby appears to have no family or personal life, though he does have a stuffed armadillo in his office — but together the two stars are massively watchable, bickering and bantering as their friendship slowly forms, and obsessing over how to make a $9 million car move at rocket-speed without exploding into flames.”

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